Moreover, Friedl's book includes some truly mind-blowing regular expressions to properly match fully qualified e-mail addresses and other Request for Comments-( RFC) specified strings. 此外,Friedl的书还包括一些令人惊叹的正则表达式,可以准确地匹配完全限定的电子邮件地址和其他RequestforComments(RFC)特定的字符串。
Atom also accepts more state-of-the-art ( and standardized) date formatting, relying on Request for Comments ( RFC) 3339 as opposed to RSS's RFC822. 而且,依据RequestforComments(RFC)3339,Atom还接受更为先进(且标准)的数据格式化,这与RSS的RFC822完全不同。
Edwards did not respond to request for comments. 爱德华没有做出任何回应。
Based on studies of the standard MIB in Request For Comments ( RFC) files, the MIB used for the SDH networks is devised and accomplished. 在研究标准SNMP管理信息库的RFC建议基础上设计实现了管理SDH传输设备的MIB结构;
For supporting contract and code instrumentation technology more effectively, we use XML as the formal language to describe protocol Request For Comments ( RFC). 为了更好的支持契约和代码植入的思想,我们采用XML做为协议规范的形式化描述语言。